- ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe
- E ka ʻiwa hoʻolaʻilaʻi
- Kikaha mālie,
Kikaha mālie
- I ke alo o nā pali
Ua pali e ke kua
- Mahina e ke alo
- He ʻōiwi nani,
He ʻōiwi nani
- Kō kuʻu ipo nohea
ʻO nā maka hōʻeuʻeu
- ʻUmeʻume i ka puʻuwai
- Ua like nō ka uʻi,
Ua like nō ka uʻi
- Me ka ʻōhiʻa noho malu
Pōhai mai nā manu
- I ke ʻala hoʻohenoheno
- ʻO Mākālei ka hoa,
ʻO Mākālei ka hoa
- I ke ona hoʻomau ʻia
Haʻina mai ka puana
- No ka ʻiwa hoʻolaʻilaʻi
- Kīkaha mālie,
Kīkaha mālie
- I ke alo o nā pali
- This is a song for you
- The ʻiwa bird so relaxing
- Gliding easily
Gliding easily
- By the front of the
- His back is as straight as a
- His face as bright as the moon
- It's a beautiful sight
It's a beautiful sight
- You are my sweetheart
- Your eyes are tantalizing
- They're drawing the heart
- It's just like the beauty
It's just like the beauty
- Sitting in the
shade of the ʻōhiʻa tree
- The birds gather about
- To enjoy your appealing scent
- You are likened to the
You are likened to the Mākālei
- Always being attractive forever more
- To all my story is told
- Of the ʻiwa bird, quietly
- Gliding easily
Gliding easily
- Before the face the