Ka Lehua Punono - Kalikolihau Hannahs

Aia i ka lehua popohe maʻukele
Lele na kini manu i ka lehulehu
Huli kaʻiʻiwi i ka pua hiwahiwa
Iwalea ka manu i ka lehua, punono

Nolu pe ka lehua i ka lihau
Hau mai nei ka makani oluʻolu
Lu ke kehau mai ka lihilihi
Hiaʻai wale i ka liko

Koʻili ka manu i ka pua lehua e
A inu i ka wai o ka hopoe pua

Puana ke mele o ka lehua punono
Noluehu pua hiwa i ke kiliʻohu
Hulali ka pua, ʻai ka manu i luna
Na ka ʻiʻiwi e hohoʻi mai

A inu i ka wai o ka hopoe pua
A inu i ka wai o ka pua punono

The mature lehua lies in the rainforest
Many birds fly amongst her branches
The ʻiʻiwi bird searches for the precious flower
The bird longs for the gorgeous lehua

The lehua is drenched in the lehua rain
A pleasant wind blows softly
The dewdrops fall from the petals
And the bird is delighted at the shine

The bird nestles into the lehua
And drinks the fiully blossomed flowers nectar

Sung is the song of the gorgeous lehua
The precious flower is softened by the mist
The blossom glistens, the bird is drawn to it
It is the ʻiʻiwi bird that will always return

And drink of the lehua's nectar
And drink the lehua's nectar

Source: Ale`a CD - Sarkissian Collection