Kaʻu mea i aloha
Ka liko muʻo lauaʻe
He uʻi ʻoe i mōhala
Noʻū i ka ua līhau
Ke ʻala lauaʻe anuhea mai
Kaʻu wale nō e honi
Laʻi kāua e hoʻoipo nei
ʻUpalu ka lihi lauaʻe
The young leaf-bud of the lauaʻe fern
Is mine to hold close in affection
You are radiant as you unfold for me
As you are freshened by the gentle, cool rain
The cool, soft fragrance approaching
the sweet scent of the laua`e
mine to smell and enjoy
As we
become one, we are at peace
In the presence of the fragile tender lauaʻe