Kuu Lei Hiwahiwa

Kuʻu Lei Hiwahiwa - Jacob Bryan Kaʻōmakaokalā Aki

ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe
E kuʻu lei hiwahiwa
Kuʻu lei mae ʻole
No nā kau a kau

He nani ʻoe i kuʻu maka
E kuʻu lei hiwahiwa
Hoʻohihi au i kou nani
He nani like ʻole

Pau ʻole i koʻu aloha
I kuʻu lei hiwahiwa
Nou mau koʻu liʻa ʻana
He ʻiʻini lua ʻole

Haʻina mai ka puana
No kuʻu lei hiwahiwa
Kuʻu lei mae ʻole
No nā kau a kau

This is to you
O my precious lei
My never fading lei
From season to season

You are a splendor to my eyes
O my precious lei
I admire your beauty
A beauty like no other

Endless is my aloha
For you my precious lei
You are my constant desire
A desire like no other

The story is told
Of my precious lei
My never fading lei
From season to season

Source: Composed by Jacob Bryan Kaʻōmakaokalā Aki, this song is dedicated to his first true love. This song expresses the love and affection that he has for her. He refers to her as his "lei hiwahiwa" or his "precious lei." This song is his reminder to her that his love for her is like a "never fading lei." Ma ka lā 18 o ka mahina Kekepama i ka makahiki 2014