Mai Kupuna Wahine Aloha - Words by Mrs. Pia Cockett & music by Irmgard ʻAluli

Eia kuʻu holokū
Me nā lihilihi
I nā ʻalu me nā pikopiko lā
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Eia kuʻu apo kula
He mea makamae
He inoa o kuʻu kupunawahine lā
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Eia kuʻu lei
Kuʻu lei kukui
Kui ʻia me ka weleweka lā
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Eia kuʻu kula pepeiao
Kukui lewalewa
I wili pū ʻia me ka uea kula lā
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Eia kuʻu pāpale
Pāpale pua kô
Me ka lei hulu melemele lā
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Eia kuʻu peʻahi
Peʻahi lauhala
No ka Lāpule hele i ka hālāwai
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Haʻina kou aloha
Ana ka puana
I wili pū ʻia me ke aloha lā
Mai kupunawahine aloha kēia

Here is my holokū
With lace and tucks
It comes from my dear

Here is my gold bracelet
It's very precious to me
It bears an ancestral name
And this is one that I treasure

Here is my kukui lei
Strung with velvet
It was one that grandmother
Used to wear

To match my kukui lei
Were the earrings
Suspended from gold wire
Grandmother used to wear it so graciously

And this is my hat
Made of sugar cane tassels
And on it was the yellow feather lei
It comes from my dear grandmother

And here is my Hawaiian fan
Made from the lauhala fronds
My grandmother
Would take it to church

All of these
Are precious things
That have come to me
From my dear grandmother

Source: Hailama Farden from "Kani ka pila! The musical legacy of Irmgard Kealiʻiwahinealohanohokahaopuamana Farden ʻAluli - This mele was first presented on "Island Music, Island Hearts" KGMB TV program, 1987. English manaʻo by Irmgard ʻAluli