Palehua - Words by Amy Hanaiali`i Gilliom, music by William `Awihilima Kahaiali`i

E kahea mai ana
ʻO Palehua ē
Wahi lani haʻupu iaʻu
E poina ʻole
Ke kuahiwi kaulana
Wehe i ka lani
ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe
ʻO Palehua ē

ʻO ka wahi kiʻekiʻe loa
ʻO Palehua ē
E pa mai ana ka makani
I ka ulu nahele
Ulupuni mākou
I ke ʻala palepiwa
ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe
ʻO Palehua ē

Haʻina ʻia mai
Ana ka puana la
E kahea mai ana
ʻO Palehua ē
Ke kuahiwi kaulana
Wehe i ka lani
ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe
ʻO Palehua ē

Calling to me
Is Palehua
A heavenly place
Famous mountain
Unveiled to the heavens
Hear my call
Oh Palehua

The most majestic place
Is Palehua
Breezes blow gently
In the forest
Surrounding us with the
Fragrance of eucalyptus
Hear my call
Oh Palehua

Let the story
be told
Calling to me
Is Palehua
Famous mountain
Unveiled to the heavens
Hear my call
Oh Palehua

Source: Amy Hanaialiʻi Gilliom & Willie K. CD "Hanaialiʻi "© 1998 Mountain Apple Co