- ʻElua māua e Puna ē
- Ua ʻike ia kou nani ēhē
- Ka ʻāina no ia no kuʻu aloha
No kuʻu aloha
Ua hui māua me na ʻohana e
- Ua piha hauʻoli ēhē
- Me ke aloha poina ʻole
Ke aloha poina ʻole
He nani o Mauna Kea e
- Ame ka pua lehua ēhē
- Hanohano o Hawaiʻi
Hanohano Hawaiʻi
Puana ka inoa e Puna e
- Ua ʻike ʻia kou nani ēhē
- Ka ʻāina no ia no kuʻu aloha
No kuʻu aloha
Haʻina ʻia mai he ʻāina e
Ua nani kaulana
Me ke aloha poina ʻole
Ke aloha poina ʻole
- Two of us at Puna
- Saw your beauty
- It is the land of my
My love
- We joined the family
- It was filled with
- And unforgettable love
Unforgettable love
- Beautiful is Mauna Kea
- And the lehua flower
- Glory of Hawaiʻi
Glory of Hawaiʻi
- The theme, the name,
- Seen is your beauty
- It is the land of my
My love
Tell the theme of the land
Famous beauty
And unforgettable love
Unforgettable love